Welcome to PoodleFest, part 1! A whole week (or more!) of Poodle Pandemonium.
I’ve listed this poodle-infested pamphlet as c. 1960, but its original publication couldn’t have been later than 1961 as that was the last year that Patons and Baldwins (Canada) Limited existed before it was engulfed in the maw of the ravenous entity known as J&P Coats, which despite several mergers failed to grow large enough to fend off the Guinness Peat mob.
The Patons brand, of course, is still around, but anyone who tells you it’s an independent entity is lying. It’s nothing but an alcohol soaked zombie now, continuously being reprinted.
Ahem. Okay, to be fair, they’re still putting out new designs. Not that they look even remotely modern.
P.S. If you are the Enid who originally owned this pamphlet, I’d love to hear from you!

Let’s start with some bottle covers!
Shown above as R
You can knit two size bottle covers in pattern or Stocking stitch. The Small Size fits a pop bottle...
Perhaps it might help to visualize beer instead of pop. They’re not talking a giant two litre bottle of Coke here. This is hearkening back to the 1960s when Coke was not just sold in harlequin patterned cans, but also in tall glass bottles suitable for a quick supper with your Coke-addicted friends....the Large Size fits a larger bottle or a tall can of cleanser.
That’s right, your Lysol needs a cozy! Nothing better than warm Lysol. Don’t believe that leftist propaganda about exploding cans of cleansers.The Large Size can also be crocheted if desired...
But not today! Geez. How much do you expect me to transcribe in a single sitting? I never learned shorthand!...and for all bottle covers you will need:– 2 (2 oz.) balls of Patons Canadiana Knitting Worsted or Patons Carefree Canadiana.
Besides, it’s not like anyone these days can read shorthand.Two No. 10 and two No. 7 Milward Knitting Needles for the Knitted covers. One No. E Plastic Crochet Hook (American Gauge) for the Crocheted cover.
Of course text speak is basically modern short hand, isn’t it? U wudnt mind f teh rSt of teh patRn lookd lIk DIS, wud u?2 Buttons for eyes. Small piece of ribbon for bow.
You must use the exact yarns specified in order to be sure of satisfactory results.
Only Patons products will do. Anything else and Patons agents will be coming to your house to torch your poodles. How will they know, you ask? Trust me, they will know. They’re always watching.KNITTED BOTTLE COVERS
God damn it, where’d I put the tinfoil?
Shown above as R
HEAD FOR SMALL SIZE: Beginning at lower edge with No. 10 needles cast on 33 sts.
1st row: K1. * P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat this row for Moss st. for 10 rows in all.
11th row: K1. P1. K1. *P3tog. K1. P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. (23 sts. on needle).
Continue even in Moss st. until work measures 3 ins. from beginning.
Next row: K1. P1. K1. *P3tog. K1. P1. K1. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. P1. K1. (17 sts. on needle). Work 3 rows even.
Next row: K1. (P3tog. K1.) 4 times. Break wool. Thread end through remaining sts. Draw up and fasten securely. Sew side edges together for back seam.
HEAD FOR LARGE SIZE: Beginning at lower edge with No. 10 needles cast on 29 sts.
1st row: K1. * P1. K1. Repeat from * to end of row. Repeat this row for Moss st. for 3 1/4 ins.
Next row: K1. P1. K1. *P3tog. K1. P1. K1. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. P1. K1. (21 sts. on needle). Work 3 rows even.
Next row: K1. (P3tog. K1) 5 times. Break wool. Thread end through remaining sts. Draw up and fasten securely. Sew side edges together for back seam.
From this point the instructions are written for Small Size. Any changes necessary for Large Size (L) are written in brackets thus:–( ).
I was almost too distracted by the charming antiqueness of “thus” to notice the frowny face – and I think it’s yelling at me.NOSE: With No. 10 Needles cast on 5 sts. (L – 7 sts.). Work 8 rows (L – 10 rows) Moss st. Cast off. Sew cast-on edge to cast-off edge. Sew over one end with a contrasting colour to accent tip of nose. Sew other end to head 1 inch above lower edge.
EARS: With No. 10 needles cast on 9 sts. (both sizes). Work 2 1/2 ins. (L – 3 1/2 ins.) Moss st. Cast off. Gather up cast-on and cast-off edges slightly to curve them. Make another ear to correspond. Sew to top of head about 1/2 inch (L – 1 inch) apart.
BODY: Beginning at bottom, with No. 7 needles cast on 9 sts. (L – 12 sts.)
1st row: Inc. 1 st. in each st. to last st. K1. 17 sts. on needle. (L – 23 sts.). Purl one row.
3rd row: *K1. Inc. 1 st. in next st. Repeat from * to last st. K1. Purl one row.
5th row: *K2. Inc. 1 st. in next st. Repeat from * to last st. K1. Purl one row.
7th row: *K3. Inc. 1 st. in next st. Repeat from * to last st. K1.
8th row: Inc 1 st. in 1st st. Purl to end of row. 42 sts. on needle. (L – 57 sts.)
From this point continue even in Stocking st. or work eyelet pattern as follows:–
1st row: K1. * Sl. 1. K2. Pass the slipped st. over the 2 knit sts. Wl.fwd.*
Wl.fwd. Wool forward? Now that’s an abbreviation I haven’t seen before. Well, no worries, this book has an extensive list of abbreviations on the back page. All I have to do is scan down to the W’s and find... absolutely nothing.Repeat from * to * to last 2 sts. K2. Do not forget the last Wl.fwd. as there should be a Wl.fwd. to make up for every slipped st. which has been passed over, throughout this pattern.
Close examination of the pattern seems to indicate that Wl.fwd. is the same as yrn (“yarn round needle”), for which there IS a listing in the back. How nice.
Warning: Handmade by Mother is not responsible for any catastrophic failures that might result from incorrect interpretation of these instructions. Proceed at your own risk.
2nd row: K1. Purl to last st. K1.
3rd row: K2. * Wl.fwd. Sl. 1. K2. Pass the slipped st. over the two knit sts.* Repeat from * to * to last st. K1.
4th row: K1. Purl to last st. K1. These 4 rows complete one pattern.
Continue even in Stocking st. or pattern until work from cast-on edge measures approx. 6 1/4 ins. (L – 7 1/4 ins.) With wrong side of work facing, proceed:–
Next row: * P1. P2 tog. Repeat from * to end of row.
Cast off Large Size but for Small Size, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, then cast off.
Gather cast-on edge into a circle. Sew side edges together for back seam.
For Small Size, put bottle into this bag and with wool darn in and out through top edge to gather up. Draw up tightly and wind wool about three times around top to hold in place and sew end of wool securely.
I’ve just noticed that at no point has the author of this pattern instructed us to attach the head to the body. For that matter, I can’t quite visualize how our (very) warm bottle of Coke gets in and out of the cozy. Hopefully it makes more sense during the actual process of creation. (See previous Warning.)For Large Size, crochet a chain 12 ins. long. Darn in ends. Press lightly to remove curl. Thread in and out through top edge.
Okay, this is beyond just difficult to visualize, it’s down right mind blowing. I can understand wanting a gathered end with a carry strap, but does that mean the poodle must be dangled head down whenever you want to carry it?Tack at centre back, so that it cannot be pulled out accidentally.
Damn it, I need instructional clarity!
That wasn’t what I meant.POMPONS: For making, see page 20.
Hidden deep within the depths of another pattern, we find...POMPONS: Wind wool over fingers as given below, required number of times. Remove from fingers. Tie tightly in centre. Cut through each side of loops thus formed. Trim to smooth round shape. Sew in position.
Large size – Wind wool over 4 fingers 75 times.
Medium size – Wind wool over 3 fingers 60 times.
Small size – Wind wool over 3 fingers 50 times.
Smallest size – Wind wool over 3 fingers 40 times.
HEAD: Make 1 Medium Size. (L – Large Size).
EARS: Make 2 Small Size. (L – Medium Size).
FACE: Make 2 Smallest Size. (L – Small Size).
LEGS: Make 4 Smallest Size. (L – Small Size).
TAIL: Make 1 Small Size. (L – Medium Size).
Sew pompons in position as illustrated.
It’s a bonus pattern!Follow the instructions for the Large Size Bottle Cover, noting the following adjustments:–
For the Body, cast on 57 sts. Purl 1 row. Work in Stocking st, or eyelet pattern until work from cast-on edge measures 6 ins. for small can or 8 ins. for tall can. With wrong side of work facing, proceed:–
Next row: K1. (P2tog.) 28 times. Cast off. Sew side edges together for back seam. Sew cast-off edge of body to cast-on edge of head. The head is held in shape by inserting the cardboard section of a toilet roll, cut to desired size. Slip this cover over can when not in use. If desired, thread a length of narrow elastic along cast-on edge to draw up edge slightly.
Now THIS is something I can visualize! And not only that, you can reuse another cardboard toilet paper roll, thereby saving a tree. Or at least a very small part of one.
Click here for the printable pattern.
ETA: PoodleFest Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, DIY 1, DIY 2, and Wow! Collect them all!
Yes, I've already crocheted the poodle tea cozy and I'll be damned if it's getting company.
ReplyDeleteNot damned! Blessed!
ReplyDeleteLike they say, "May all your blessings be little ones." They never specified poodles, but you can't deny they're little.
So you're finished, eh? I want photos! Photos! And also any tidbits about the creation process that you feel like sharing. I'll use them to do up a DIY post.
You may not believe this but someone I know was JUST asking me for a pattern for these - she owns a 50s style restaurant and had one of these that her grandma made and wanted to make some "friends" for it to put on display. Too funny to find this post !
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I'll be posting several more poodle patterns this week, and whole bunches of cool fifties kitchen kitsch during the upcoming months.
ReplyDeleteYour cutlery needs clothing. ;-)
Oh, and if your friend does make any of the poodles, I'd love to see a picture (or two)! And if they're in context, I could even do up a DIY post for her - free advertising for her restaurant.
Maybe "Bizarre Novelties and Gifts" would be more appropriate. Covering a pop bottle with a pompom poodle... hee hee. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely bizarre! And it's going to get stranger.
ReplyDeleteWell okay, the sequel to this one was just another bottle cover (but crocheted this time!), however I promise that the *next* poodle will be covering something completely different.
lmao, I have that booklet!grandma gave me that one!
ReplyDeleteThat booklet's definitely a keeper!
ReplyDeleteGah! Is that littlest one a poodle meant to cover a pack of lifesavers candy? My grandma used to make those for us when we were little & I would love to surprise my brothers with one! Is it a crochet pattern??
ReplyDeleteNikki - That littlest one is a soap cozy, but I'm sure you could stuff lifesavers in there instead!
ReplyDeleteThe pattern is here: http://handmadebymother.blogspot.com/2009/07/your-boudoir-needs-poodles-too.html
And if you'd like to see the finished product, Hind made one here: http://handmadebymother.blogspot.com/2009/07/diy-poodle-soap-cozy.html
Feel free to send along photos of your lifesavers cozy when you're done! I'd be delighted to feature it in a DIY post.
I came across your website and I LOVE your sense of humor!! Keep it up! You talk here of the pointlessness of things like poodle covers for cans of cleanser... I took up needle tatting earlier this year and came across a pattern book that is filled with the most ridiculous, useless, waste-of-time projects, it's beyond words. The book is "A New Twist on Tatting" by Catherine Austin, if you're interested in seeing another genre of mockable patterns. I love to tat now, and I have a respect for lace I never had before, but if I'd seen this pattern book first, I may have fled screaming and never taken up the art.
ReplyDeleteHi Becky,
ReplyDeleteSorry for not getting back to you, sooner! I don't tat (yet), but I'll have to keep an eye out for that book. It sounds awesome! I've got some hideous macrame books stashed away, just waiting for the day I teach myself to macrame.
love this type of pattern but i can't knit only crochet would love to see this as a crochet pattern
ReplyDeleteThankfully,we have some crochet poodle bottle covers on the blog.
ReplyDeleteA hair spray bottle:
And a wine bottle one:
However, if everyone has told you knitting is much harder than crocheting, I haven't found that to be the case at all. And neither has my friend who is special needs where handcrafts are concerned (they were equally hard!).
Good luck!
Hello my Canadian friend I never learned it or crocheted before but willing to learn my grandmother had this cute purple poodle the sad part her head is lost and I want to make a new one for it I looked on the net and they don't have it maybe you can help me.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, all of the poodle patterns I could find were posted to the blog. However, ebay is where I found most of them.
DeleteGood luck!
From last reply I look on the net and there's no video of showing how to make one if there's one at all it can help me so much love and hugs from Kauai Kitty
ReplyDeleteSometimes libraries have how-to videos. Even if they don't, librarians are a wonderful resource for finding things.
DeleteGood luck!